# 44 – “Density 45”, by Heyk Pimenta

16 02 2014



Density 45


written in June 2012 and edited in 2013


In the mattress

filtered by its cover

or drank in pure drops

rests 10 times my volume


all the filth of the world

gathering grease

on the corner of things


5 years of mold and sloppiness

5 years of fervor

5 years of fear


– Lift it up, Caroll, the mattress to air it out

– Let’s buy a slat

– We have to make another cover


But there was no airing out, slat or cover


it rotted

green on brown

in our Chinese room

its cold and brown floor


all the humidity and ferns

and maidenhairs on the retaining wall in stone

from suck to bite marks spread along the mattress

which was

my own head,


my sorry eyes




in the guestroom standing upright against the wall

behind the door

there’s a corner missing from the mattress


all the more today

it remains folded in three

it became

a puff

a pauper sofa

of ulcers

in the living room


surrounded by fleas

density 45 of dark grey foam


light grey cover

and a patch even lighter

getting lighter from inside to beyond

in layers

as if time applied

in candid coats

some ageing

or erased

by turning whiter and whiter

the love

Translated into English by Wagner Miranda

Original text in Portuguese:


Densidade 45


No colchão

filtrado pela capa

ou sorvido em gotas puras

está 10 vezes meu volume


toda a imundície do mundo

acumulando gordura

no canto das coisas


5 anos de mofo e desleixo

5 anos de fervor

5 anos de medo


– Levanta, Caroll, o colchão pra respirar

– Vamos comprar um estrado

– Temos que fazer outra capa


Mas não houve respiro ou estrado ou capa


ele apodreceu

verde sobre marrom

no nosso quarto chinês

seu piso frio e marrom


toda a umidade e samambaias e avencas

do muro de arrimo

em pedra

chupadas a mordidas pelo colchão

que era minha própria cabeça inflada

meus olhos sentidos




no quarto de hóspedes

de pé

na parede

atrás da porta

falta uma quina ao colchão


mais hoje ainda

dobrado em três


um pufe

um sofá pobre

de úlceras

na sala


entre pulgas


densidade 45 de espuma cinza escura


capa cinza clara

e um remendo cinza ainda mais claro

clareando de dentro em diante

em camadas

como se o tempo pintasse

em mãos alvas

algum envelhecimento

ou apagasse

cada vez mais branco

o amor

Heyk’s blog: http://heykpimenta.blogspot.com.br/ (in Portuguese)



2 responses

31 01 2016
Translation: Three Poems by Heyk Pimenta | Nomadic Permanence: Rob Packer's Blog

[…] 45” also from his most recent book was translated by Wagner Miranda and you can read it here: https://brincandodedeus.wordpress.com/2014/02/16/44-density-45-by-heyk-pimenta/. The Portuguese originals of these poems are at the bottom of the page and to read more of Heyk in […]

1 02 2016
Wagner Miranda

Congrats for the great translations, Rob. I really hope to be able to collaborate with you on future projects. All the best. =)

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